If we could get what we thought we needed to succeed, would we really succeed? Often times we have an image of what we think success looks like in our heads; but when reality comes, our successes often looks different and require more than expected. A great quote asks the question, "How do we get wisdom, to handle the unexpected and challenges of achieving the success we need?" The quote goes on to answer, "Wisdom comes through pain and struggle. The pain brought on by interruptions and disappointments, by loss and failure. This is the long road to maturity and wisdom." The price of true success lies in how wise we become through our struggles. 3 Tips to Help You Go Through 1. Optimistic – An open mind is one of the first keys to gaining wisdom. With this type of thinking our problems are not our focus. Our focus will be on improving and getting better instead of how the problem will take us out. Expect the best from people, things and situations around you. Your expectation will put you in a spot to absorb wisdom. Know your values and always be on the lookout for things that will enhance and improve you. Being optimistic about life will help you grow your wisdom. 2. Inquisitive – When my children were little they seemed to constantly ask questions. I always wondered why. With some thought I came to the conclusion, it's because they want to know how to do it. It's just that simple, they gain wisdom of what to do and not to do by asking questions from those that know. As adults we should continue to be the same way to grow in wisdom. Be confident in knowing that you don't know something and then finding out by asking questions how so you can make it happen in your life. Asking the right questions can change your perspectives and can ultimately change your life. Good wise questions can start with: What? How? and Why? 3. Humility – C. S. Lewis said, “True humility is not thinking less of ourselves; it is thinking of ourselves less.” One of the hardest journeys of life is to look inside us. When we really see ourselves can we be honest about what we find. A mirror is a useful tool especially when we want to see something we like, but when it's something ugly we like to avoid looking at it. Humility is accepting both and dealing with the uncomfortable areas too. Wisdom comes from being humble about ALL of you. Learn to love and embrace both your strengths and weaknesses. Wise humility means you are able to express and produce from your good qualities, as well as inform others of your weaknesses. People should know that they can depend on you for your strengths. Knowing yourself provides ground to grow and forgive throughout your life journey. Summary – Anais Nin says, "Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states of mind we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state of mind and remain in it. This is a kind of death." Work to daily promote who you want to become by being optimistic, inquisitive, and humble - based on truth. Continue to pursue wisdom every day.
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December 2020