![]() There are some definite factors in life that make living worthwhile. One of them is called the truth. The truth doesn't change because of opinions, feelings, emotions or circumstances. It's consistent all around. When truth has been accepted the destiny you and I desire can start to unfold. Let's look at three areas to be definite about. 1. Solution - Truth is, life is full of problems. Right? So it can be said, that problems have solutions. Right? So if those two factors are true, then the problems that come in life have solutions. Right? So where is the hang-up? I think the bridge between problems and solutions are often in the struggle it takes to get to the results we want. Solutions require more than a desire. They require diligence and perseverance. One mess up or failure doesn't mean the solution is not possible. It just means that one you selected didn't work that time. Get up and try something else. Be solution oriented. It may not come overnight or even in a year or two but know if you keep pushing, what you work at will produce results no matter how small. 2. Solid - Being solid means that you don't jump around in uncertainty. You look to find the facts and work to gain an understanding to building on them. You are faced with hundreds of choices every day. No matter if they all look good, you can only choose one at a time. Be solid about what fits your destiny. Stay focused by not being double minded. It's impossible to succeed at going one way and trying to go another at the same time. You can only move forward when you're solid on where you are. 3. Stand - You can't build on indefinite. If your plans are mixed with lies and confusion, you can't properly grow. Any business that's going to thrive must be honest about where they currently stand so they can make the necessary changes to improve. You are the same way. Be confident about where you stand by clarifying the definites in your life. Stand on your personal definites. It's what you really believe. Executing on them daily will be reflected in your absolute behavior. You can endure troubles and hardship when you know where you stand. Summary - Allow the definite factor (TRUTH) to impact your life by - basing your solutions on it, making sure your foundation is solid and allowing your behavior to reflect a sure stance on definite beliefs. Your life can be successful when you operate within the definites.
![]() You are in a good place if you are struggling. It's a good place because reaching a new level of greatness will only come from going through a struggle. It's said that "Great strength is gained from great struggles." It's not the struggle that makes you successful but it's making it through the struggle and allowing the experience to improve and develop your character. Here are some areas to help clarify your times of struggle. 1. Purpose – In the midst of struggle, it's important to keep your reasons "why" you are on your journey ever present and clear. Your "why" should be big. So big that it encompasses any struggle. A general purpose to do something can come from almost anywhere - your parents, children, careers, spouses and so on. But your unique purpose is where you will easily thrive and grow. Find your unique purpose. Make it clear, specific and concise. When found it will drive you from within. It will be a pulling that won't leave you alone. Work to align your tasks to match your unique purpose. You must never give up on why you are here. 2. Understand – There's an old saying that says, “In all the things you might aspire to go after, go after understanding first”. In other words, study to gain clarity for your struggles and how they can benefit you to be better. Keep an optimistic mindset. There are two sides to every situation, look for the best. Be one that likes to find solutions to problems don't build on problems. No matter what you're dealing with develop a plan how to overcome the challenges you face. Struggles won't go away by avoidance. Work to gain an understanding to confront them with clarity. 3. Time-out - Constant blows will take anyone out. Even in the midst of a struggle find a moment to come up for air. If not physically take a mental break by thinking about the beauty of the sun or the soothing sound of the rain. A moment of focusing on something other than the struggle can help you endure the hard times you face. Schedule some "me time". If your day is too full then try getting up a few minutes early to think and meditate on who you are. More can be accomplished by taking some time to regain yourself. Summary - In the midst of struggles assess your purpose, seek to understand the bigger picture and take a daily time-out to refocus your thoughts. You can overcome your struggles by seeing them as a way to grow and improve. ![]() Being weak is not always a negative thing. Fact is, everyone has some kind of weakness. It's how you handle your weaknesses that determines your success. Let's look at three perspectives of how to frame your weaknesses so you can become the person you desire to be. 1. Acceptance – Albert Einstein said, "Once you know (and accept) your limits you are able to go beyond them." As difficult as it may be, the first step in getting to who you want to be is to acknowledge your weaknesses. Knowing them doesn't mean they are solved or dealt with. It just means that you know where they exist in your life. Work to accept your weakness. Which is to be humble not angry about your limits and things that you can't do. Allow your openness about where you are put you in places to grow and mature from the strengths of others. It's through unity that your goal can be reached. 2. Solution – Norman Vincent Peale said, "Within every problem are the seeds of its own solution." Chances are you are unable to solve your own weaknesses but I would rest assure that you know someone who could help you solve or get through what you can't on your own. When the focus is on self, it's easy to think problems can only be fixed by you. But when the focus is put on solving the problem by any means necessary, the solutions come from a team effort. Reach out to someone who has the strengths you lack. Together, work to overcome the weaknesses you face. (Be careful in selecting helpers. Someone that knows your weakness can also set you up to fail.) 3. Forward – Reality is real. It's where you really are at this moment but where you are is not where you are going. If you allow today's weakness to define tomorrows opportunities you will never reach a level of success. For example, doctors don't go into school knowing how to be doctors. Reality is they are ignorant of doctor's knowledge. But their focus is on their future goal which defines what they do in their reality today - "I must go to school today so I can one day be a doctor." Keep your eyes looking forward. Your goal is a place that you have not arrived at. You can strengthen your weaknesses to be strong but it doesn't happen over night. Give yourself time to develop and grow to become the future person you envision. Summary - Long term success comes from your consistency in overcoming your weaknesses - by accepting them, looking for solutions from others and by staying forward focused. Implementing these areas can help you overcome your weaknesses and become the person you desire to be. ![]() The pressure of life can make you want to quit. But growth only happens by pushing through the norms that are all around. So how do you push through the crises of life to grow to your potential? Here are three areas to focus for great growth. 1. Gratitude – Appreciate what you have not what you want. Before you can really enjoy something new you must value the old. In other words, if you can't accept step one you can't enjoy step three because step one holds up step three. Accept the struggles of your current position. Keep in mind that strength comes from growing to the next level not just moving to it. Arriving at a new level means that you look to mastering your current problems. One writer said it's like this, "Your problems are not a stop sign but guidelines for your life." If you can be grateful for your problems, they can lead you to a new prospective on living well. 2. Balance – Growth happens where there's proper use of resources. Just like a growing plant must have the right mix of sun, soil and water you must have the right amount of nutrients for your dream to grow too. Keep your life in between the ditches. Know your limits and what will help your goal produce. Find ways to measure the levels of where you are and where you desire to go. Once guides are in place you can manage and align the daily tasks to meet the needed and produce results. 3. Openness – Space is yet another factor to consider for growth. Without enough room your goal can become stunted or be too small for your potential. Even having too many goals can overcrowd the priorities required for a successful goal. Learn when and where to allow space, it's key to long term success. Effective growth requires an open mind but yet focused on moving in specific direction. Be calm and intentional about your movements. Proper openness is a balance that's not too forceful but's not too relaxed either. Work to give your goal breathing room - time, patience and love. Have a mentor or someone that can help you see positively from the outside and keep things in perspective. A passionate goal requires space to mess up, clean up and develop. Summary - You along with your goal can grow to new levels by focusing on being grateful, keeping priorities balanced and being open to expand. Growth mandates that who and where you are today is not who and where you are tomorrow. Push your limits to grow you and your goal. |
December 2020