![]() There are unavoidable potholes in everyone's life journey. They are normal and un-normal challenges we face day-in and day-out of life. But because the road isn't smooth doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken. If the goal we desire is on the other side we must slowly push through the ruts and dips for success. Let's look at some common potholes that we should keep pushing through. 1. Fear – Falling into the "pothole of fear" is one that causes stagnation. The unknown or the past knowns can keep your from accomplishing the desired goal. You can't get rid of the "fear pothole" but you can overcome it with faith. Believe in yourself. If you have the vision to see the goal, have the drive get to the other side no matter what. To build your drive - gain a clear understand of the objectives, maximize your strengths and learn from the mistakes of others. No matter how many potholes there maybe, don't give up on reaching your goal! Mary Anne Radmacher said, "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says, I'll try again tomorrow." 2. Friends – The "friend pothole" is usually one that holds on even after you've climbed out. There are certain friends that want you to hang-out with them to enjoy the rut you're in. You must break away from those that are pulling you back in to where you know you don't need to be. Set clear boundaries with consequences for yourself and others on your journey. If you want better, you must demand it of yourself and those you hang around. The vibes you give off, verbally and non-verbally, attract or retract what you like. Keep your guards up and move towards you goal. Those who are on your side will help you move forward. 3. Flexible – Some potholes are called "pit-holes" because they are unavoidable and deep. They require you to trudge through them with caution. Being flexible through them means giving and taking a little. Find what works best for the circumstances without loosing focus on your goal. Whatever the case when it's time to move, have the courage to move forward with what you have discovered. You are the captain of your ship. Do your research before you let go of an established point in your life. A perceived shallow "pothole" can be a deep "pit-hole". Know and live your limits. Summary - You can navigate through life's potholes by pushing out fear with faith, having good friends to help you up and proceeding with thoughtful flexibility. Life's journey is full of uncertainties. Be willing to get up, grow up and go through life's potholes. It's the only way to your goal.
![]() The difficulties of starting shouldn't stop us from achieving success. When we clarify our "whys" we can push out the fears and doubts that kill our dreams. Within you is that unique DNA that has your future written all over it. Within it, are reasons you want to accomplish that goal. It draws the conclusions that you can't stay where you are. It drives you to be better and more. Here are 3 reasons to help you clarify your "why". 1. Purpose – Long term success is only possible by having a clear purpose that trumps your comforts and discomforts. It must supersede the circumstances of life. Tough times might knock you off track but your purpose will always help you regain focus. Clarify your purpose by getting some details of why you want to achieve that goal. Assign a date when it must happen. Put daily tasks on your agenda that unfold you goal. A little effort everyday in the right direction will get you there. 2. Place – Put your energy where you produce the most. Reaching your goal becomes easy where your talents and skills are maximized. Growth happens where you are able to make the most impact. Look for those area where you connect the most and can do the most good. Find your niche and grow your craft. Your uniqueness is looking for a unique place. 3. Passion – The inspiration that pulls you when there is no money, no friends, and no energy is what you were gifted to do. This burning desire is what drives you to your goal. It's regenerating itself in your down time. It works within you when everyone else is sleeping. Direct this inner drive to pull you to greatness. Stay focused and balance with clear objections to move forward. Enjoy the journey on the track to accomplishing your goal. Summary - Greatness is in your genes. It requires you to align your reasons with - a clear purpose, a unique place and a guided passion. Be awesome because awesomeness is already in you! ![]() Starting something new can be a scary thing because of all the unknowns. However, anything worth having requires us to begin somewhere. Our desired destiny only comes because of intentional energy put towards uncovering the goal. Clarify your reasons for beginning. Use each day to seize the opportunities that project you closer to your goals. Make today's efforts SMART (Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, Time based). Embrace who you are and where you are today; then push for the goals that project you to be better. Be clear about each step you pursue towards change by aligning your actions with your core values. It's a new day, feel free to improve yourself, gain new friends, get rid of old habits and dysfunctional perspectives. Focus on the areas that matter the most. Start small and work your way up. ![]() Being "all-in" should be more than a catch phase about something we are excited about doing. It should be something that we are fully committed to staying with to the end of completion. Accomplishing our goals requires more than talent, skill and knowledge. It requires you to be so aligned with purpose, passion and power that going-all-in is a must. There are plenty of challenges and hardships on the journey. But being all-in means that your commitment weathers the storms of life. Believe in the real reason you need to reach your goal. It's your beliefs that shapes your behavior. Feed your beliefs by meditating on the positive side of end goal. ![]() Feelings of exclusion, distrust, betrayal and disappointment all wind-up leaving us hurt which can cause us lose a proper perspective of reality. This loss of focus is often due to a negative mind set of ourselves and everyone involved. The key to being an overcomer is being able to free our minds in forgiving ourselves and those involved. Although difficult, look for opportunities in the mist of the hurt to become more self-aware. Healing can come when you are honest with your suppressed and unexpressed emotions. This doesn't mean that you freely let them loose but it means you are working on mastering root causes and not surface issues of hurt. You are the only one that can control you. Don't let outside forces cause you to be unproductive. |
December 2020