![]() Susan Gale says, "Sometimes it's easier to just go ahead and face the truth than to spend the rest of your life trying to hide from it." If you are anything like me, you probably operate in your own personal comfort zone. It's how we deal with things, right? The truth has power, like a surgeon's knife. It hurts to meet it face to face. When I have the knife (truth), I have the power to cut the cancerous lie. But when the knife (truth) is in another's hands I often run, squirm, scream, and/or barricade myself within the comfort of my lies to protect myself from the hurt. Valuing truth is a process that takes a lifetime of accepting its power to guide your responses in every situation especially over the comfortable barricades of lies. Work to see the truth over opinions, trends, fads and fashions. Then implement its power carefully and calmly as a surgeon would, cut away the bad from the good. Keep in mind that healing can only happen when the knife of truth is in play with yourself first and then with others. Long term success comes from playing the game of life truthfully!
![]() What lies behind you and what lies before you are small tiny matters compared to what lies within you (Ralph Waldo Emerson). Your true purpose for existing is within you. It is hindered or fed by what you expose it to. Your success will come from allowing each moment to be inspired by the past and driven by the future. Work to fulfill your ultimate purpose by using today to maximize you! Don't lose it! ![]() Face it, all seasons come to an end. Even the good ones. The depth of our current plans can determine how successful we will be in the future. When I was preparing to graduate from college I found out too late that I had a glitch in my plan. The small over site caused me to miss graduating with my class and having to take two additional classes the following semester. We all have seasons that end, that's a part of life, but the question is are we making wise decisions today that's setting us up to succeed tomorrow. 3 Wise Keys 1. Focus - Distractions are common when coming to the end of a season. An anticipation of what's next usually takes the primary focus of our attention. Wisdom calls for us to look ahead to see what's needed to be worked on today for the future success we desire. A great writer once said that the race is given to the one that endures to the end. Starting strong is good, staying strong is better, but ending strong is the best! How you end is key to your overall success. Continuing to have proper focus on your end despite the challenges, will help you to maximize each moment towards success. 2. Failure - Bad seasons are always something we desire to get out of quickly; however, if lessons are not learned the unwanted failures will show up in future seasons. We must learn from our past failures and apply it to our actions of today. When farmers have a bad season they salvage what they can, count their losses and prepare to succeed in the next season. We must do the same with our failed seasons. The past is done! You can't change, forget, edit or erase it. You must accept the good by applying it. Accept the bad by learning from it. Take your failures and make them your strengths by knowing what to avoid, what to do and not to do. Prepare yourself to end your season by applying your learned knowledge into each day. 3. Transition - Coming to the end of a season means that another one is coming. It's like a track team in a relay race. They understand that positioning and timing is very important for successful transfers. In life how we position and time our actions today can call for success or failure tomorrow. Calculate how your actions are positioning you to reach your long term goals. Review your timing to ensure that you are doing what you should at the right time to obtain the results you desire. Be sure to include some key elements for success - honesty, teachable attitude, respect, diligent, self-control, and responsibility. Wisely executing your transition plans will help you end your current season with the best foot forward to start a new season. Summary - Starting and ending seasons is inevitable for life. Keeping a good balance between staying focused, accepting failure, and handling transition. Work to successfully conquer whatever seasons you’re in while continuing to keep your next season in view. That's wisdom applied. ![]() Getting everything to work just the way we need it, at the right time and in the right way is almost impossible. When wisdom is flowing - our thoughts, words, and actions coincide with our past knowledge and experiences to produce the best possible outcome for the present. To succeed, wise timing is everything. President Andrew Jackson said, "Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go all in.” Inputting wisdom at the proper time is one key component to obtaining success. 3 to Overcome 1. Delay - Author William Feather said, “Conditions are never just right, so people who delay their actions until all factors are favorable, do nothing." It's easy to look at the problems and circumstances all around and come up with reasons why we shouldn't do something. But applying wisdom calls for us to be able to see our destiny over the obstacles. Keep your dream in front of you. Allow what you envision to overcome your reasons to delay. Nurture the engaging characteristic that calls for you to act at a certain time with what you have. Gather what you can and confidently move forward. As time progress you will gain more wisdom about what to do next. Success will only come because you didn't delay to act at the right time. 2. Fear - Being afraid of the next step when its time to move is like a clock that doesn't want to keep time. It just doesn't work. David Lloyd Georg said, “Don’t be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated." When opportunity comes we must not be afraid of failure, it's apart of the journey to success. Take the step over fear and be willing to learn all the way, whether sinking or swimming. Gain clarity between what's real and what is false. Wisdom is full of truth and utilizing it at the proper time will bring the best outcome. Confront the fear in your life and get-in-sync with where you need to be with your goals. 3. Focus - Sometimes our synchronization can be out of line because we are concentrating on the wrong areas. Catherine Pulsifer, says "Too often in life, we focus on the things we cannot do, which limits us in achieving the success of our goals." Whatever we put our focus on is what we will tend to drift to. Work on getting synchronized by focusing on your next task towards your goal. Focusing with proper perspectives will enable you to act wisely. Eileen McDargh said it this way, "Determine your priorities and focus on them." Proper focus will help keep you say in sync. Summary - Timing is a key to a successful future. Don't delay moving forward, overcome your fears with clarity and focus on goal centered priorities. Good timing requires you to daily operate wisely at your peak. ![]() Wisdom is the ability to take knowledge from the past, have the perception of the future and apply it at the right time, in the right way to achieve the best result possible in the present. To reach our destiny will require us to move wisely. Johann Lavater said, "Call him wise whose actions, words, and steps are all a clear because of a clear why." In other words, we should be certain about the reasons we are in action. 3 Actions 1. Think – Our destiny is wrapped in the thoughts we have today. So it is imperative that we focus on wise things that are rooted in truth in stead of what feels good or seems good for the moment. Formulating our thoughts around a lie will never produce wise thinking. Establish truth as the pivotal point of all your thoughts. Seek the truth in all your matters, it will save you time and money. In the end your wise thoughts will help you make wise choices when faced with options. 2. Speak – Often our thoughts become our words. So we must make sure that they match. Napoleon Hill said it this way, “Think twice before you speak, because your words will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.” There is power in our words for ourselves and those around us. You may have caught yourself saying the wrong thing or talking too much about nothing, I know I have. So I sometimes have to tell myself to "shut up"! In working to be wise try to remember what Plato said, “A wise person talks because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.” Work to have something to say that's boosting your destiny. That's wisdom in action. 3. Do – True wisdom will bring about true doing. If we are wise we must know that our effectiveness only comes from putting our thoughts and words into action. Nicholas Sparks says “We can say all the right words at all the right times; but in the end, our actions are what people will judge.” What you do reflects your wisdom. After you have tested your plans and know that its the best possible choice, don't wait, do! Someone said it this way, "Opportunity is knocking, stop looking for it in an out of reach place. It's right there with you now." Wisely prepare yourself and be ready to move when opportunity comes to you. Summary – Four things never come back: the spoken word, wasted time, the past, and a neglected opportunity. Make your actions wise by thinking it all the way through, not saying unnecessary words, and doing what you say you are going to do - no matter the cost. Be wise in your actions! |
December 2020