![]() The fundamentals of responsibility are based on our personal values. Our development and growth in any area will come from properly responding to what we have the ability to change. Jim Rohn said it like this, "We must take personal responsibility. We cannot change the circumstances, the seasons or the wind but we can change ourselves." It is in our control to set our standards high for ourselves. If our standards are high within us, our words and thoughts will reflect it on the outside of us. Let's work to be more effective and efficient with our lives by responsibly handling our jobs and tasks instead of running away from them. 3 Fundamentals 1. Accomplish– Take on every opportunity to accomplish the tasks before us. No one else should be finishing what we should be doing ourselves. Our excuses and pity parties are not showing a sign of maturity. If the job is to be done by us, we should be willing to learn and master the skills needed to excel. Learn from and own up to your failures and mistakes. Michael Jordan said, "I failed over and over again; that's why I succeeded." It is not the failure that prevents your success; it's irresponsible with the failures that cause you to be unable to accomplish your tasks. Push beyond your faults and perform the functions that you are responsible for doing. Your success is based on what you've achieved over your failures. 2. Accept– It is said that old habits are hard to break because we don't like being forced to do new stuff. However, if we are going to be successful with our responsibilities, we must accept changes to improve. Abraham Lincoln said, "We can't escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading them today." Accept what it will take both mentally and physically to achieve the responsibilities connected to your success. Include in your plan a way to handle the inevitable - failures, discouragements, and even your own self-sabotaging thoughts. Being responsible calls for you to handle it all and remain in control. 3. Adamant – To be adamant is the mindset of doing what's required for the goal despite other persuasions. Bodybuilders usually go to the gym with a purpose. They adamantly push themselves to the limits even when they don't feel like it. Being responsible calls for us to be clear about what we have to get done and to be adamant about our responsibilities despite our feelings. Be adamant about accomplishing your responsibilities even if they weigh you down a bit. You might feel like giving up, but being responsible demands that you don't quit. Find a way to overcome your circumstances and obstacles. Summary – The fundamentals of responsibility are attainable by you. Take the mindset every day to not give in to irresponsibility by 1) accomplish the tasks that are given to you, 2) accept changes and opportunities to improve you, and 3) being adamant about every step towards your goal.
December 2020