Keeping some things under wrap is a necessary part of life. There's always going to be private things that shouldn't be fully disclosed. But times will come when you will be faced with a choice of telling a secret lie or an honest secret. Here are some ways to keep your secrets truthful and between the lies. 1. Consider – Know that your actions today will always impact your tomorrow. Consider your motives before moving forward in any direction. Examine what's guiding your thoughts. All emotions are temporary so it's good to think about your desired destiny and base your actions from that perspective. In the end, its truth that seals your past not a lie. Base your decisions on sound logic and reasoning. Know that being honest might not feel good for the moment but it will always put you in a better position for the future. 2. Creative – There are different ways, to tell the truth. Don't box yourself into thinking that there's no other way but to lie. Always look for ways to express the truth tactfully and respectfully. Believing that you can be truthful is the first step in expressing secrets honestly. Be creative in developing the habit of telling the truth. It's available just like constructing a lie. The choice is always in your hands. Remember, "Being honest is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living and truth loving." - Hurst 3. Consistent – Being truthful can feel like a burden when you're in the moment of pressure. It seems as if the benefits of telling the truth aren't worth the effort. But be encouraged it will be seen later if you don't give into the lie. Tell the truth can be like lifting weights. You don't see it the results right off. But keep on pushing. If you are consistent your body will one day reflect what you've been doing. Each day work to handle every situation truthfully. The more you are honest the easier it will become. It's an ongoing endeavor that will benefit your entire life. Summary - Yes you can be honest with your secrets. Always consider the big picture of your desired destiny, be creative in telling the truth over a lie, and develop a consistent routine that reflects honesty. Work at it and know the more time you spend sharing the truth the less time you have to explain a lie.
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December 2020