The fundamentals of responsibility are based in our personal values. Emotional and physical improvements comes from properly responding to what we have the ability to change. When this is done we improve our self-esteem, we behave as someone with standards and control. Our words and thoughts will line up with our actions. A responsible person understands how to be the most effective and efficient with their lives by wisely handling situations and tasks instead of running away from them. 3 Fundamental Points 1. Allow – We must give ourselves opportunities to independently accomplish tasks, rather than having others finish it for us. It is easy to be down on ourselves, feeling that we are unable to complete tasks; but the truth is that we will become unable to do so, if we don’t allow ourselves the chance to learn and master certain skills. Learn from and own up to your failures and mistakes. Michael Jordan said, "I failed over and over again, that’s why I succeeded.” It is not the failure that prevents your success; it’s being irresponsible with your failures that cause you to be stuck. Push beyond your failures and allow yourself to grow better at what you do. 2. Anticipate – “Old habits are hard to break” is a true statement. We, for some reason, don’t like being forced to do new stuff even if it is our responsibility to make the change. To implement new responsibilities into old ways requires some high expectations of benefits. If you are like me, I like to know that I'm going to be rewarded for my effort. Abraham Lincoln said, "You can't escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading them today." We must daily keep before us our desired outcome. It must be greater than our short term feelings we feel today. Anticipate what it will take both mentally and physically to achieve success. Create a daily plan for success and against failure. Take ownership of accomplishing the small daily tasks first. You are the only one that can make it happen. Slow implication to your goals will help you overcome discouragement, self-sabotage and an uncooperative spirit. Anticipate your end being great! 3. Adamant – Being responsible requires us to be purposeful about meeting a certain standard or goal. Clear objectives helps us filter out the needed over the unneeded. Weight lifters set objectives to accomplish the results they want. The adamantly push themselves to the limits even when they don't feel like it. Their purpose is clear and it supersedes their feelings. They tell their bodies, "Body, you have to meet the goal!" Adamantly demanding better for yourselves, is a part of being more responsible. Always seek ways to improve YOU. Getting tired and wanting to give up is natural but being responsible demands that you don’t quit. Continuing to learn from your mistakes and not giving in to quitting is being responsibly mature. Summary – The fundamentals of responsibility are attainable by you. Take on the mind set everyday to not give in to irresponsibility. Give yourself a chance to be responsible even if you fail a few times; divide your tasks into smaller manageable segments; anticipate the difficulty of hard work; and demand from yourself to keep moving forward to your goals. Analyze, plan, tweak, drive, to your goals this reflects a responsibly mature person that's destine for success.
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December 2020