I see improvements, modifications, and developments happening all around. People are building and upgrading things. I'm sure they have good reasons for investing in change. In life, improvements are not only needed but necessary for success. There are areas in our lives that require specific repair on a constant basis. Let's seek them out successfully with these three "E's"! 3 Steps to Successful Improvements 1. Evaluate – An assessment is normally made before repairs are started to calculate what needs to be kept, added to or removed. During this phase even what looks good is assessed to see if it can handle the upcoming needs. Our lives are similar. We too must evaluate our lives to see what will work with the upcoming goal. Whatever the case we should have an attitude like Lowes, to "Never Stop Improving!" Find out what’s going on in your life. It is easy to get into a grove or habit that really isn’t the best for you. Step back and ask yourself, "Is this something I need to be doing?" Work to develop your internal voice by looking at everything through the lens of your ultimate purpose. Self-evaluation is the place to start with self-improvement. 2. Exonerate – This is a big word that means to forgive. When improvement needs to take place we must stop reliving the past. Mistakes are common on the road to success. What was done yesterday is history that can't be undone. We must stay focused on the objectives for making things better. Exonerate (forgive) and learn from your past. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and past problems. John Maxwell says it this way, "Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn." Learn from your past failures and improve who you are each day. Keep in mind that failing is not a pass card to irresponsibility but an opportunity to refocus yourself for improving. Exonerate (forgive) and love yourself for who you are improving to become not for who you use to be. 3. Esteem – A building will not get needed updates if the changes are not regarded as a high priority. When improvements are a must, time and resources are given to make it happen. We must see self-improvement as mandatory. Put being better high on your list. Take time out to invest in your dream. If you don't, no one else will. Loving yourself is like strengthening your muscles. The stronger and bigger you want your muscles, the heavier and more intense the weights must be. So to have stronger self-love requires some heavier loving of things that improve you. As you esteem to be more loving of yourself, the better you will be able to love others in the same regard. Summary – Improve your life by first evaluating it and then exonerate the mistakes. When that is done you can esteem into action the points that will help you be more effective at life's greatest challenges.
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December 2020