I see improvements, changes, and developments happening all around. People are building and upgrading things. When I see improvements, I assume that assessments have been made to remove the old worn out things and replace it with new updated ones. In life improvements are also needed and necessary for success. 3 Pieces to Improvement 1. Evaluate – Before any major reconstruction is started, an assessment of the area is done to see what will fit best. New changes are reviewed against existing structures to make the best improvements for the area. To improve yourself you must find out what’s going on. It is easy to get into a grove or habit that really isn’t the best for you. Self-evaluation is activating the inner voice that tells you if you are doing right or wrong. This voice must be developed and implemented into your everyday life for success. Improve yourself by evaluating where you are now and working at it daily. 2. Exonerate – This is a big word that means to forgive. When improvement needs to take place you can’t keep reliving the past. If a builders reflect on how awesome a structure was fifty years ago, and allows that memory to prevent him from removing the rotten structure, he is not wise. The needed improvements are hindered because of past experiences that are being relived. With your life you must exonerate (forgive) and learn from your past. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and past problems. John Maxwell says it this way, "Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn." Learn from your past failures and improve who you are. Do keep in mind that failing is not a pass card to irresponsibility but a focus of directing yourself to wholeness and peace. Exonerate (forgive) and love yourself for who you are becoming not for who you use to be. 3. Esteem – A building will not get the updates it needs if it is not top on the list. The changes must be put in high regard or importance to be improved upon. When changes are esteemed, the time and resources will be given to make it happen. In your life you must have esteem for self-improvement. Place a high value on respecting yourself and honoring your values and principles. Love yourself by doing things that are loveable. I was talking to an older gentleman the other day who explained to me how to be more loving. He said, “Love is like muscle. To gain more muscle you must lift more weights. So to gain more love, you must give more love.” Esteem yourself by improving who you really are daily. Improve your life by first evaluating it and then exonerate the mistakes found. When that is done you will be able to esteem the real points that will help you be more effective for a life of success.
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December 2020