![]() Our true identity is the core of who we really are. It starts developing within us before we are born. When we are growing up or identity is nurtured. It naturally reflects our internal standards. It subconsciously communicates who we are without words. It is expressed through our demeanor, our style of dress, and even with the friends we find ourselves having. There are a host of things that are impacted by our identity. This is why we must develop it to reflect the best at all times. To help here are three areas to focus on. 3 Identity Focuses 1. Association – Who and what we hang around is vital to the development of our identity. I have heard and believe that if we hang around trash we can expect to look and smell like trash. Our identity will reflect what we spend the most time around. Our association does bring about our assimilation. Change your identity by changing your association. When at school look for the individual or group that has similar goals, standards and images you desire to be identified by. At work find that co-worker or team that’s serious about doing what’s right and being effective and productive. In your life gravitate to those who want better and are doing better. Remember, you will assimilate to what you associate. 2. Boundaries – Our personal boundaries set the stage for our true identity. Boundaries for our lives are much like the fence lines for property. It keeps the chosen things close and the unwanted things at a distance. Our identity should have definite lines (boundaries) that let others know how far we will go in all areas of our lives. Set your boundaries in places that reflect what you are about; your preferences, your rules, what’s acceptable and not acceptable. Your boundaries are the points where you say YES and NO! Your good boundaries give you a good identity. 3. Self -Worth – Our personal identity is connected to our self-worth, the way we see ourselves and the value we place on ourselves. It is also an emotional measure of how well we live up to our standards within ourselves. Our happy and sad times are connected to the worth of ourselves. The confidence we have or don't have will determine our successes and failures of self. We must identify ourselves as worthy not because we want to but because we have all the atributes of worthiness. Increase your self-worth by adding value to who you are. Don't try to do valuable things, be valuable by demanding your mind to: be confident about your purpose, be honest about your experiences, poses a teachable attitude in the face of challenges and finally, respect yourself, God and others. When your identity increases your self-worth you are priceless. Build a good identity by associating with good people, setting good boundaries, and increasing self-worth. Become identified with the best you!
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December 2020