![]() Dis/180 is a force that can take a calm situation and turn it upside down. Dis/180 is a 180 degree turn on honesty. We might call it dishonesty. We often view it in the form of lying, cheating, stealing, or breaking trust in some form or fashion. Dishonesty wants to do more than flip our lives, it wants to take over and kill all productive life as it should be. It's like a weed in a garden, hard to kill and always on the comeback. The only defense against dishonesty is applied truth. 3 Applications of Truth 1. Comprehend - For most of us dishonesty was something we started doing as a child. It might have been in the form of trying to say something different than the truth to lighten the potential consequences we faced. Dishonesty is a negative attribute that's been within us from the beginning. It's the weed that we didn't plant and unless managed and contained it will reek havoc in our life gardens. Viewing dishonest choices as bad is something you must cultivate into your thinking. Dishonesty is not only bad but has far greater detrimental consequences than the truth. Fight dishonesty daily by understanding the corroding effects it has on your life - it tears down trust in those around you and it causes your successes (if any) to be short lived. Be conscious about the effects of dishonesty and make daily decisions to resist its hold with honesty. 2. Open – I recall a time when I was dating my wife getting some advice from my grandmother. I asked her, "What was one thing that would help us have a successful relationship as a couple?" She replied, "Baby, make sure you put it all on the table.” She was implying, that to have a successful relationship we always needed to keep the real things before us and out in the open. The same is true for us today. To obtain the success that we want for our lives, our careers, our relationships, etc. we must be willing to keep the real thing out in the open. Always be honest! Be open in dealing with dishonesty in your life. If there is unresolved issues in your past, work to make them right. If it is impossible to make them right, take on the mind-set that you were wrong then but your desire now is to do what's right. Honesty is tough and requires a lot of humility but it's the only thing that will stop the 180 degree turn of dishonesty in your life. 3. Timing – When we have been dishonest for a while, our friends and associates probably won’t believe us when we first start to be honest. Therefore, it is good to spend time working at being honest within ourselves first so our honesty can be seen rather than heard. Proper timing is key for turning around a 180 degree turn of dishonesty. A quick turn can be detrimental and a slow turn can be chaotic. Here are three tips to being timely with honesty : 1) Gather honest facts and know the real reasons for why you are doing what you do (have no hidden motives), 2) Calculate and commit to the cost to be paid (be willing to accept all responsibility and consequences good or bad), 3) Be openly honest to mess ups; however, be willing to keep trying for success (success is failure turned inside out - don't quit with setbacks.) Make a full turn against dishonesty with timing spent honesty. Summary - You are the only one that can change the 180 degree turn of dishonesty in your life. Make your turn towards being honest everyday by: comprehending the benefits of honesty vs dishonesty, by being openly honest on the onset of your interactions and being honest with timely reasons. True success is only found in being honest.
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December 2020